Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mineral Museum Transfer

In March of 2016, the Senate passed the mineral museum restoration (SB 1440) bill by 24 to 2. It would have passed just as easily in the house because only two Representatives voted against a nearly similar bill in 2015.  However, it was never put to a House vote. The House Appropriations Committee did not schedule a public hearing, and that had to happen before the full House could vote on the bill.

Therefore, the Senate included it into SB1530 as a floor amendment during the last week of the session. On May 10, the Governor signed that bill. SB 1530 transfers the mineral museum from the AHS to the Arizona Geological Survey, and also consolidates the Survey with the University of Arizona.

Details about the transfer are available on  (May 4th and May 10th posts).


  1. This is great news. The kids get their beloved MMM back and will love all of the additional earth science information that will be included with AGS's leadership. This is a win-win for science education for students in AZ. Kudos to Sen. Griffin for her amazing efforts to help put all of the peices together and also to AZGS and the U of A for making it all happen.



    WONDERFUL NEWS!It took a long time but we now can rejoice with MINERAL MUSEUM GLADNESS and give back to the kids and their teachers.
