Saturday, October 1, 2011

Arizona Experience Museum update

Excerpt from: The Arizona Historical Society Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Friday, August 12, 2011, Flagstaff, Arizona

A brief update on staff activities and programs - Woosley gave a brief update regarding meetings of the Arizona Experience Museum with WRL Architects, Mortenson Construction, Gallagher & Associates, the Arizona Department of Administration, and the Governor’s Office. A portion of the permanent mineral collections has been moved to the Flandrau Science Center as a loan to the UA Geosciences Department who will display many of the minerals and provide proper storage. Minerals will also be on exhibit at the Gem and Mineral Show in Tucson and the ASU museum. The remaining specimens are stored in the non-public areas of the museum not intended for renovation.

Woosley indicated that AHS also offered some storage cases that could not be utilized by AHS to other museums on a long-term, renewable loan basis. Some of the equipment was distributed to schools that have vocational programs. She said staff is also in contact with museums such as the Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum and the Cave Creek Historical Society, to discuss loans for the larger, outdoor pieces of equipment. Woosley announced that AHS was fortunate to hire, highly recommended, Dr. Madison Barkley, a geosciences graduate from the University of Arizona. It will be a great asset to have a curator of mineralogy and someone to direct AHS with science education and programming.

Woosley commented that final schematics and hard costs figures for architectural and exhibit designs would be completed by the end of the month.

Woosley said that she, Wade, and Jim Norton met with Kevin Kinsall from the Governor’s office for an update of the Arizona Experience Museum. At the meeting, Kinsall indicated that Governor Brewer strongly endorses the project. Discussion followed. Responding to a question, Woosley said AHS would participate in the science and history pavilions at the Arizona Centennial Best Fests first scheduled for Prescott in September. She stated the Arizona Centennial Quilt would be unveiled in Prescott the week of Best Fest and that the quilt would be donated to AHS.

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