Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fickle voters and taxpayers

People want government to be efficient and cost consciousness; right up until when someone in government tries to make it a bit more efficient and cost consciousness.

Picking up on Laurie Roberts lead (see prior post), Mari Herreras of the Tucson Weekly is also bashing Senator Griffin for requiring the Arizona Historical Society to be accountable. Both writers, along with Marshall Trimble, are trying to smear the senator as being anti-history.

The Senator is not anti-history. The senator is courageously trying to correct some of the persistent waste and abuse that has been exposed by Arizona Auditor General performance reviews over the past two decades.  Just becasue the preservation of history is a good thing does not automatically mean the the Arizona Historical Society is handling public funds properly.
For the Love of History: So Lovely Our State Legislature
Posted by Mari  Herreras on Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 11:30 AM


  1. Well, well, the Arizona Historical Society's "political pull" rather than "performance" minions are hard at it-trying to destroy Sen.Griffin for noticing that they have recurring serious problems with each review. These same supporters claim Sen.Griffin is against AZ history for wanting agency performance, but say nothing when AHS destroys the historical Mining and Mineral Museum for our centennial. The failure and mess is of their own making--thank goodness someone in the legislature stood on accountability.

  2. I just read the above "nailed it" comment, and after reading what happened in the legislature yesterday the news is not encouraging. AHS did exactly what they have to do--use political manuvering. The House Government Committee snuck the underperforming AHS into a group of performing agencies on their Sunset Reviews and the bill passed. There were some objections to reducing the Sunset Review to an exercise without teeth, but the truth is this makes the AZ legislature just like DC! It is not a proud moment.
