Monday, November 9, 2015

Voters wake up

The September 17, 2015 post reported a new boondoggle on which the AHS was embarking. Their target was public funds connected with the old Pima County Courthouse and the Pima county bond election. However, having recently been fleeced by the Rio Nuevo project, in which the AHS squandered $1.4 million, voters are now wary.  They rejected every one of the bond propositions.


  1. No wonder the public rejected the Bonds. With the AHS example of funds wasted and only 7,000 visitors a year I can't blame the public!

  2. The public is also tired of the University of Arizona wasting tens of millions of dollars on the Rio Nuevo Projects. This would have been just one more boondoggle. There was NO public support for this stuff. The AHS was looking for a way to dump this off on some other unsuspecting victim.

  3. Hooray for the Tucson voters! I'm so glad they saw that piling up more debt over a project high on dreaming, and low on financing and details. Having AHS attaching their name to the fine Mineral Museum at the U of A suggests that those in Tucson aren't aware of what that organization did to the Mining and Mineral Museum in Phoenix and the teachers and students that used it. (They fired the staff, slammed the doors, and ran off with the goodies, and never even got started on their grandiose plans for an elite museum that no one was interested in.

  4. Oh my! What will Dr, Ann Woosley do? She has added a mining model that was discarded from the old Mineral Museum, no "curator" for her new mineral museum inside the Phoenix AHS facility, a lame mineral exhibit, and a whopping 3,000 or visitors for the Papago Park museum. The voters of Tucson rejected ALL of the Bonds. Trouble is there was never a mention of a mineral museum going into the old Pima County Courthouse. The Tucson Museum of Art had that space devoted to art exhibits for many years beforehand. The University of Arizona had shot it's bolt on the Rio Nuevo Disaster --the Tucson voting public was not going to give them any more money for stupid ideas. As for the AHS--who ever heard of them. With just over 7,000 visitors a year at the main museum and a few at their branch museums--why would they vote for pie in the sky baloney that was never going to work.
    Maybe the Flandrau will just have to put the minerals in the basement? Or maybe they will stay in Phoenix? In the massive building that nobody goes into.
    The taxpayers of Arizona---the group of people that Ann Woosley has no interest in serving just does not care about her or her agency. (For $120,000 a year you would think they would be interested in it).
